Christmas Party 2024

Christmas Party 
We will be celebrating our Christmas Party as usual on Thursday 12th December.
This will be a fun meeting with some festive frivolities such as a potluck, a festive photography quiz, a swap meet and a fun little competition. There will be prizes!

Buy, Sell & Trade:
If you have a closet full of photography stuff that never gets used? This might be your opportunity to get rid of those items and make a few bucks. All you have to do is bring along your gear and name a price.

NZ Camera
These have arrived, we will bring these along to the meeting so you can pick up your copy. If you can’t make this meeting, please let us know and we can try to organise alternative delivery.

Thursday 12th of December 2024, doors open from 7pm. 
Drinks will be provided and we ask that you bring a plate of food to share.

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