PSNZ Interclub Competitions

Hey @everyone WPS is looking to enter the two digital inter-club competitions currently being run by the Photographic Society of New Zealand (PSNZ), namely the:

  • Wiltshire Digital Image Cup for a set of four open digital images;
  • Bowron Digital Landscape Trophy for a set of four digital landscape images.
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Competition Summary 2025

Wellington Photographic Society Competitions summary

Set out below is a summary of the annual competitions run by the Photographic Society of New Zealand (PSNZ) or its affiliated clubs that members of WPS can enter, either as part of a club entry into an inter-club competition or as individuals.

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AGM – 2024

Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Wellington Photographic Society Inc
The date of the AGM is set for 28th November 2024. We are calling for any motions members want to put on the agenda as part of the AGM business, and for nominations for officeholders and WPS Committee members. Any motion for a change to the WPS Rules must be sent to the Secretary by 25th of November. Information on committee roles and nomination forms can be obtained via email.

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Interclub 2024

The Annual Interclub Print Battle hosted by the Wellington Photographic Society. November 17th, Doors open 12pm, at the Tararua Tramping Club, 4 Moncrieff St, Mount Cook, Wellington.

The Wellington Interclub Print Battle is an annual competition between the photographic clubs in the greater Wellington area that are affiliated to the Photographic Society of New Zealand. In the last couple of years, an invitation has been extended to clubs further afield, to boost the number of clubs participating.

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CubaDupa – Photography Meetup

CubaDupa is coming up on the weekend of 23-24 March, and we’re planning a meet up.

What’s the plan?
We’ll meet for coffee at Raglan Roast, 40 Abel Smith Street from 11:30 on 23rd March

As the festival gets underway from midday we will walk the length of Cuba down to Wakefield Street and back, exploring the side streets, parks and hidden venues as we go.

We will meet back for a street food lunch at the Fresh Choice Street Feast from 1:30pm

What can we photograph?
This will be a great weekend to capture some street photography as part of the meet up.

Separately, you could practice event photography at the various stages around the festival as the sun sets and the lights come on. This isn’t part of the meet up – just an opportunity.

What shall we do with our photos afterwards?
Everyone is encouraged to share 2-4 images taken at the festival whether you come to the meet up or go out on your own. Send your favourites after the event to or share them on our discussion group or on Instagram and tag the society.

We will look to have a presentation of our images at a future club night and/or produce a zine capturing the flavour of the festival as seen through our lenses.

Where can I find out more?
The festival runs Saturday – 12pm to 12am; Sunday – 12pm to 6pm More info at where a festival map and timetable will be available soon (they say).

Interclub 2024

The Wellington Interclub Print Battle is held every year with Wellington regional clubs and clubs from the Lower North Island taking turns at hosting and doing battle over the ten print topics.

Background about the Competition:
Each year, photography clubs from across the Wellington region/Lower North Island come together to compete for bragging rights. The hosting club chooses 10 topics/subjects at the start of the year and then the clubs come together towards the end of the year to compete with their best prints across those subjects.

These topics for this year were chosen by the members of our society.

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