Glenburn Station: Field Trip
Join us at Glenburn Station in the Wairarapa Coast for a memorable weekend of photography and fun with fellow photographers.
When: Friday to Sunday 11 -13 September 2020
Where:-Glenburn Station is about one hour’s drive from Masterton.
We have booked the Cookhouse and Shepherd’s Rest for the weekend and can accommodate up to 18 people.
Cost: $100 for the weekend, ($110 for non-members of WPS)
Catering: We will be self-catering so bring sufficient food for breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
Bedding and Towels are provided.
First come, first served
To secure your place on this trip you need to
- Advise Glen & Lee by email that you are coming. programme@wps.org.nz
- Let us know whether you are driving and have space for others. Alternatively, if you are wanting a lift, we will try and match you up with others.
- Pay your $100 into the WPS bank account by 4 September 2020. The account number is 06 0501 0347010 00. Put your name as a reference and the words Glenburn Trip as an additional detail.
If we don’t get the minimum number to make the trip viable, we will open bookings up to other clubs in the region. As of Tuesday, there are about 6 places left.
About Glenburn Station
Glenburn Station has been farmed since 1873. Today it farms about 10,000 sheep and 1,000 head of cattle. Stock born and bred on the station are recognised as some of New Zealand’s best. The current owners are John and Helen McFadzean and Alistair and Bridget Reid. From 1900 to1998 it was farmed by Edward Joshua (King) Riddiford who sold it to a Boston -based investment company in 1998. It passed back to New Zealand ownership in 2007, when it was bought by the current owners. The property is 14,000 acres in area and has 9 km of Pacific coastline.
Photographic Highlights
- An amazingly rugged landscape and coastline.
- Fantastic sunrises.
- Hill walks
- Brilliant Astro Photography in a sky free from light pollution
- A fur seal colony.
- Old Maori Pa Site
- Old Shipwreck
- Honeycomb rock structures
Meet up
I suggest we rendezvous at the Gladstone Hotel on the Friday between 6 pm and 6.30 pm and travel in a convoy from there. The last 20km of road is unsealed
Glen and Lee
Photo by ©Elyse Childs Photography