PSNZ Canon National Exhibition 2019
The National Exhibition has been showcasing the best of works by camera club and Photographic Society of New Zealand members for over 60 years.
This exhibition is one of the most eagerly awaited events on the Society’s annual calendar: For three reasons: members are eager to participate; eager to receive the results, and then hopefully see their own works on display.
This year’s exhibition has been organised by The Wellington Photographic Society and this event runs alongside the Hutt2019 Convention. The Canon National Exhibition organising committee of Glen Innes (Chair), Russ Finnerty, Christine Jacobsen, Shannon Doyle, Peter Rodgers, Craig Phillips and Paul Whitham (Convention liaison) have worked tirelessly to bring you this event and we thank them for their hard work and commitment.
Open Day: Sunday, April 28, 2019, 2–5 PM, Lower Hutt Centre
You can read this year’s catalogue by clicking the below link:
A word from the Exhibition Chairman:
Producing the PSNZ Canon National Exhibition of Photography 2019 has proved to be a mammoth and, at times, daunting task. I am extremely grateful for the hard work and dedication of the committee, for whom no task was too difficult.
However, we would not have got there if it hadn’t been for the practical advice of a much wider group than just the committee members. Craig McKenzie and Paul Whitham were particularly helpful throughout. I also really appreciated the assistance from Mike Drain (AV presentation), Fred Wotton (Exhibition hanging) and Paddy Flanagan (Data management).
Selection day would not have been achieved without the efforts of the whole team:- Raymond Cho, Gayle Cullwick, Shannon Doyle, Phillip Dyer, Russ Finnerty, Ewa Ginal-Cumblidge, Toya Heatley, Paddy Flanagan Christine Jacobsen, Sue Mahon, Peter Rodgers, Hilary Troup and Celia Yong.
Thanks in advance to the team that will hang the exhibition, disassemble it afterwards and arrange the return of the prints safely to their creators. Finally, do enjoy the exhibition and the superb photography it contains!
Glen Innes
Chairman – Exhibition Organising Committee