WPS Print Competition 2021
Just a friendly reminder that the deadline for this year’s Print Competition is quickly approaching (March the 25th)
Full Competition details:
April 22 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Categories are: OPEN | DIFFUSE
Closing Date for Entries: On or before 25 March (midnight)
Presentation Night: 22nd April 2021 at the TTC Club Rooms
Please note that prints will need to be delivered on or before the 25th of March. If you have any comments or need special consideration please let us know at comms@wps.org.nz. You can organise prints by email if needed if this is more convenient on or before the 25th of March. The Club Meeting on the 25th of March will be the last date for submission of your prints.
When submitting your prints please ensure:
- The prints are adequately protected i.e. with card/portfolio/bubble wrap
- All items submitted with the prints are named i.e. photo boxes, cardboard etc. (these will be returned to you with your print)
Entry Specifications:
Limited to 3 images per member per category
Images must not have been used in any previous Wellington Photographic Society competition
Each image is to be entered into one category only
Matting of entries is optional Maximum Mat side – 16” x 20” (406mm x 508mm). Not framed. If the image is not matted it is recommended that images are printed with a white border for display purposes.
Image size – any size within the Mat dimensions
Please note your Name, Subject (Open, Diffuse), Title of the image and a contact number on the back of your print (In case we need to get it back to you afterwards)
NOTE: Wellington Photographic Supplies will again be supporting our Annual Print Competition by providing HALF PRICE printing of up to six images only per person of any size up to 12×18. If needed, please show a copy of this post when requesting your half-price prints at Wellington Photographic Supplies.