Annual Print Competition 2018
Categories are:
- Judge: Brian Harmer
- Closing Date for Entries: On or before 13 September (midnight)
- Results Night: 27 September 2018 at the TTC Club Rooms
Please note that prints will need to be with the Competitions Desk by midnight 13 September 2018.
If you have any comments or need special consideration please let Julie know on 021-1405-961. You may drop your prints to Julie in the city (Customhouse Quay) if this is more convenient on or before 13 September 2018. The Club Meeting on 13 September will be the last date for submission of your prints.
When submitting your prints please ensure:
- The entry form is completed and attached correctly to each print
- The prints are adequately protected i.e. with card/portfolio/bubble wrap
- All items submitted with the prints are named i.e. photo boxes, cardboard etc. (these will be returned to you with your print)
Entry Specifications:
Limited to 3 images per member per category
- Images must not have been used in any previous WPS competition
- Each image is to be entered into one category only
- Matting of entries is optional Maximum Mat side – 16” x 20” (406mm x 508mm). Not framed. If image is not matted it is recommended that images are printed with a white border for display purposes.
- Image size – any size within the Mat dimensions
- Please submit each print with the official entry form detailing your name, name of image and hanging details
NOTE: Wellington Photographic Supplies will again be supporting our Annual Print Competition by providing HALF PRICE printing of up to six images only per person of any size up to 12×18.
Please show a copy of this flier or the latest Impact newsletter when requesting your half price prints at Wellington Photographic Supplies.