Welcome to WPS 2020

Welcome to 2020! Join us for our first meeting of the year – this is a chance to catch up with other members & friends of the society.
We are looking forward to hearing about your holidays and what you’ve been up to over the break and your plans for the year ahead.

Would be good to see you there 🙂

Meeting Location
Golding’s Free Dive, 14 Leeds Street
We are meeting from 6.00pm onwards

We’re currently putting together the programme for the year and more details will appear here when they are available. As well as our regular two meetings a month (second and fourth Thursdays), watch out for monthly photo themes, meet-ups or workshops each month, plus our regular annual projected image and print competitions and the annual exhibition.

Annual Exhibition 2019

Wellington Photographic Society Annual Exhibition: Tātou Taonga (Our Treasure)

Wellington Photographic Society Annual Exhibition: Tātou Taonga (Our Treasure)

Wellington Photographic Society Annual Exhibition: Tātou Taonga (Our Treasure)

Inspired by Wellington’s unique landscape and way of life. This exhibition showcases photographs captured by members of the Society. The exhibition celebrates the character and diversity of our great city and offers a uniquely local perspective with each photograph having been shot in the Wellington region. We hope it provides insight into how Wellington is used for travel, trade and recreation.

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WPS Youth Membership

Free Youth Membership

Are you under 19 or still at school and interested in photography? Then you might be interested in our FREE youth membership.

The new membership category is designed to make it easy for young people to develop their interest and photographic skills. A WPS youth membership can help you get started on your photographic journey.

Please feel free to contact us, if you would like more information about WPS and its activities.

Contact us at memberships@wps.org.nz

WPS Impact – September 2019

Our September issue is ready and waiting to be read!

In this issue you’ll find a profile of the life and career of Peter Bush, who is one of New Zealand’s top sport photographers, an interview with the societies new president Shannon Doyle, and an interview with recent autumn Fresh Shoots competition winner Vandy Pollard.

There are heaps of other little great bits and pieces as well to dig into as well.

Open Here

WPS-Impact - July-2019

WPS Impact: July 2019

This month’s magazine has articles about from making use of those unused sparklers, our upcoming competitions, our forthcoming AGM and images from our recent Projected Image Competition.

We also explore the work of early documentary photographer Jacob Riis and show some highlights from the recent couple of months of meetings and activities.

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